Volunteer to end fossil fuel finance

Only people power can shift the big banks away from fossil fuels to renewable energy fast enough to avoid climate chaos.
Sign up today to get involved in action on the ground to pressure Australian banks like Commbank to end oil and gas lending.
Action could look like lots of different things, depending on your location, availability, experience or skill set. You might talk to bank staff, write letters, paint banners, take photos, tweet, divest – no matter who you are, there’s a role for you in winning this campaign!
In many countries around the world, campaigns calling on banks and governments to end fossil fuel finance are winning. Add your weight to the public pressure on these institutions to do the right thing: pledge to take action against institutions bankrolling climate disaster.
Want to adopt your local CommBank branch?
Adopt your local CommBank branch to have friendly conversations with staff and customers to ensure they the bank rules out funding oil & gas projects to protect our future from climate change.
All you need to do is get a couple of people together on a regular basis to talk to the local branch manager and staff, educating them about the risks of oil and gas, and asking them to raise the issue internally.
We know from previous campaigns that if enough staff raise issues internally – talking with management and colleagues – that they have the power to get senior management to take action. By adopting a branch, you’ll be joining hundreds of others around the country demanding CommBank take a stand against financing dirty gas projects.
The 350 team is here to support you. We hold regular trainings, send you a pack of materials for you to use and connect you to other people doing the same tactic across the country. We’re always just a phone call away